SecurityCode, winner of the
- Hoffmann Bedrijfsrechercheprijs 1995 -
for innovative theft and fraud prevention.
Some examples of markings that we have supplied
Between 1995 and 2005 we supplied over 200,000 SecurityCode plates to nearly 1000 customers. This selection of supplied plates will give you an idea of the possibilities of our SecurityCode markings.
SecurityCode for laptops, notebooks and other expensive hardware
A well-marked laptop is 'hot' and selling it to a receiver will prove difficult or impossible - no receiver is going to burn his fingers on this one! In 1995 SecurityCode won the Dfl. 30,000 Hoffmann Bedrijfsrecherche award for innovative fraud-combating. Based on the material FlexiBrass (flexible brass), we now supply a new top product: 0.5 mm thin, rock-hard and very strong, yet supple and therefore very flexible. Ideal for modern, thin materials like laptop and notebook covers. We have made our largest engraving machine suitable for engraving large numbers of plates with a tolerance of 0.05 mm (engraving depth 0.35-0.40 mm).
FlexiBrass can also be attached to very strongly curved surfaces
Colours and models
Our SecurityCode markings are available in many colours, but limited to two colours per marking: the plate colour and the text colour. The markings are available in 0.75 / 1.4 mm plastic, 0.5 mm. 'FlexiBrass' and even in 1 mm thick stainless steel.
Oval and Rounded models now also available
Font options
Select from dozens of different type fonts. For tariffs refer to the price list below (prices based on the DIN 1451 font
engraving time). Some type fonts require longer or much longer engraving time. Indicate the type font of your choice and
we will specifiy the percentage on the basic price in the quotation.
SecurityCodeWorldWide and the Internet registration system
When the unique registration code is entered on this website, data about the rightful owner appear. The registration code is stored in our database and criminal investigators all over the world can check the name of the legitimate owner.
SecurityCode for all theft-sensitive equipment;
from £ 0.21 to £ 7.00
Since 1995 SecurityCode has been a superior system for marking all types of theft-sensitive equipment in all price ranges. From £ 0.21 for a 'peel-off proof' SecurityCode UD sticker to £ 7.00 for a 'customized' stainless steel SecurityCode marking.